Fluoride Treatment at Art of Pediatric Dentistry

Silver Diamine Fluoride Treatment

At Art of Pediatric Dentistry, we prioritize the dental health of your children by offering fluoride treatments that help in strengthening tooth enamel and preventing the development of cavities. Fluoride is a natural mineral that is crucial in the fight against tooth decay and is especially important for children whose teeth are still developing.

Benefits of Fluoride Treatment for Children

1. Enhances Enamel Strength: Fluoride integrates into the dental enamel, fortifying it against the acids produced by plaque bacteria.

2. Reverses Early Decay: Early signs of dental decay can often be reversed with fluoride, which helps to remineralize tooth enamel.

3. Prevents Future Cavities: Regular fluoride applications during your child’s dental visits can significantly reduce the likelihood of cavities forming in the future.

What Happens During a Fluoride Treatment?

During your child's visit to our clinic, a fluoride varnish or gel is applied to their teeth. This treatment is quick and completely painless. The fluoride helps to remineralize spots where bacteria may have started to break down the tooth enamel. After the treatment, children are usually advised not to rinse, eat, or drink for at least 30 minutes to allow the fluoride to fully absorb and act effectively.

Fluoride treatments are a key component of pediatric dental care and are most effective when combined with a routine of regular brushing and flossing. We recommend pairing fluoride treatments with dental cleanings at our clinic, which can help maintain your child’s oral health and catch potential issues early.

Additional Preventative Services

In addition to fluoride treatment, consider exploring other preventative services we offer such as dental sealants, frenectomy procedures, and tooth extractions which provide further protection against decay and support overall dental health.

Parents interested in how fluoride treatments can benefit your child, or to discuss other pediatric dental services, please contact us or visit our patient info page for more details. Also, explore our comprehensive restorative dentistry services to learn how we can restore the health and aesthetics of your child’s teeth effectively.

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