What is Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry involves treatments and procedures that improve the function and aesthetic value of your smile. Restorative dentistry can range from procedures that improve the way that you chew and eat to cosmetic options that enhance the look and feel of your teeth. At Art of Pediatric Dentistry, we offer a range of quality restorative procedures to fit your needs. With the help of an examination done by our doctors, we can create a specialized treatment plan just for you.

Why is Restorative Dentistry needed?

You may need restorative dentistry if you have teeth that have become compromised in some way. You might be dealing with tooth decay, lost restorations, broken teeth or are simply interested in whitening, bonding or veneers. Our goal is to offer you a wide variety of restorative options that aim to improve the health and look of your smile. Restorative options vary from one patient to another, ensuring that you receive only what is needed.

What makes you a candidate for Restorative Dentistry?

Prior to having any type of restorative procedure done, you'll come into our office for a consultation. The consult will include an exam and series of different x-rays so that we can create a personalized treatment plan just for you. We will help in teaching you about each individual procedure and what to expect when having it done.

What can be expected with Restorative Dentistry?

Because there are so many different restoration options available, you will need to consult with our doctors prior to having work done. What works for one patient may not be right for you, so it is important that you understand your options. The purpose of restorative dentistry is to correct certain problems while simultaneously improving the look of your teeth. Some of the most common restorative procedures include:

  • Fixed bridges
  • Dental crowns
  • Bonding
  • Veneers
  • Fillings
  • Amalgam filling replacement
  • Root canals
  • Extractions
  • Inlays and onlays
  • Implants

If you're in need of restorative dentistry and want to know more about your treatment options, call us today and our helpful staff members can assist you.

Restorative Dentistry Services

Dental Crowns (Zirconia)

Dental Crowns (Zirconia)

A dental crown is a type of restoration that is designed to fit over a damaged or compromised tooth. If a tooth has fractured, broken or has been recently root canaled, we may recommend that it be crowned.



A pulpotomy, which is sometimes known as a baby root canal, is performed as a way to preserve baby teeth within the mouth. When decay has been allowed to infiltrate the inner pulp of a tooth, a root canal is typically necessary.

Smart Restorations

Smart Restorations

It can be difficult for your child to feel comfortable when visiting the dentist and some children have severe fears and anxiety over dental treatment.

Space Maintainers

Space Maintainers

Space maintainers are essential for preventing crowding and other orthodontic problems. These maintainers are custom-made to fit around your child’s teeth.

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